Monday, July 15, 2024

Sweet Corn Time!


Yes, it's that time.  Once the sweet corn is ready around here, I make my plans to fill up my deep freeze.  I love to have that Iowa sweet corn taste all year long.  So much better than store bought frozen corn!

Typically I process about 12-14 dozen ears of corn.  After prepping, blanching and cutting it off the cobs, I end up packaging 1.5 to 2 cups per quart freezer bag.  That has lasted us pretty well for the year.  Maybe this year I will remember to tally up how many bags I actually put into the deep freeze.

Here is my process.

1. Buy fresh corn ... I go to a local stand, where they pick in the morning and bring it to their stand daily.  😊 I buy about 4 dozen at a time or whatever I think I can process that day.  Then I go back often until I have my supply in the deep freeze.

2. Shuck your corn. In your largest stock pot or kettle, fill 2/3 full of water and bring to a full rolling boil.  While waiting for water to boil, half fill your coolers with cold water and ice.  Boil corn for 3 minutes, then remove to ice bath.  Chill corn for at least 10 minutes.

3.  Cut corn off cob with an electric knife if you have one and are doing a lot of corn.  Corn is sweet so this gets sticky and messy so I typically work outside or in my garage where I can hose things down when I am done.  Put your cutting board in a tray of some sort to help contain the juice.

4. Label quart freezer bags - I label mine "Corn, 2 cups 2024"

5.  Measure corn into bags and freeze flat, so they stack up better in the deep freeze.

Hope you get a chance to enjoy some sweet corn this summer.  It's a much anticipated summer favorite around here.


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