Monday, June 24, 2024

Garden Report


I thought perhaps it was time for a garden update.  Back in March I posted about starting my seedlings but I have not mentioned gardening since then.  We had some weather challenges here in Iowa this Spring, but I did finally get the seedlings hardened off and planted in the garden by the end of May.  That is about 2 weeks behind my goal of mid May but we have had decent rain in June and things are looking pretty good. The tomatoes and peppers are liking the upper 80s weather we have been having lately. 

We planted 4 varieties of tomatoes, green beans, yellow onions, bell peppers, a jalapeno pepper, one summer squash, a zucchini and 3 cucumbers.  I also have an established asparagus patch and an herb garden.  In another few weeks I am sure we will have fresh veggies and plenty for freezing and canning.

Sweet corn should be ready around here just after the Fourth of July so I will be hitting up the stands and freezing that soon too.  I typically get 12-14 dozen ears and prep that for my freezer.  Nothing is better than Iowa sweet corn in the middle of winter! 😄  I will add some posts soon all about my canning and freezing of summer veggies.

Come weed any time!


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